Mahalo for the continued support in my efforts to improve our community for future generations to come. Please be assured that I will continue to advocate for legislation and funding that removes barriers and creates opportunities for our community to thrive. Below are some additional goals that I will continue to advocate for if re-elected. I humbly ask for your vote of confidence and continued support in the upcoming election on August 13th and November 8th. Mahalo nui loa!

Public Safety

Homelessness and crime have become part of our every day life, and they shouldn't be. I advocate for smart, low cost solutions like Ohana Zones to clean up our streets. In 2018 I passed a House Concurrent Resolution urging the City to provide more police officers for the Chinatown area, to protect you and your businesses.

  • Increase funding for existing programs such as Rapid Rehousing Vouchers, 'Ohana Zones, and Work-to-Rent housing.

  • Fund non-profit organizations that fill the void of government by providing community outreach services and resources for those experiencing homelessness and those on the verge of becoming homeless.

  • Ensure enforcement is being conducted alongside social service providers for those trespassing at our parks to ensure public safety and stop recidivism while balancing environmental protection, public safety, and the well-being of our homeless population.

Affordable Housing

Growing up in our community, I've watched as many of my childhood friends moved away to find work and raise a family. I'm committed to fighting for more affordable housing to keep our kids in Hawaii, and this year helped secure over $200 million to create 20,000 affordable rental units!

  • Support and fund the creation of low-cost housing units, and develop more rent-to-own housing units to expand access to home ownership opportunities.

  • Create more access to financial support for local first-time homeowners and a streamlined process to government resources such as USDA loans and OHA funding. Support kupuna care initiatives and senior living programs.

  • Lower the cost of utility rates, vehicle registration fees, and other tax burdens that are pricing our residents out of Hawai'i.


To combat the skyrocketing cost of higher education, I introduced the Hawaii Promise Program, which is now active and helping our keiki attend college debt-free! I am also a firm supporter of early childhood education, and I believe that Pre-Kindergarten should be offered in every single public school in our state. Provide greater resources to our teachers and keiki to ensure their collective safety, such as personal protective equipment (PPE), safety training, and greater internet access capabilities for disadvantaged students.

Local Economy

  • Create greater access to capital for small businesses, support entrepreneurship, expand resources for those selling goods online, and remove barriers to help businesses thrive in Hawai'i.

  • Diversify our local economy by capitalizing on technology, community-based agriculture, healthcare, sustainable tourism, environmental protection, and other emerging industries.

  • Create a pipeline for our high school and college graduates to reshape Hawai'i's future through collaborations between our educational system and locally-owned businesses.