Over the past six years, Daniel has provided record appropriations for our district. Our roads, highways, and critical infrastructure have all seen significant investments as a result of his efforts.

+ $18,000,000 for McKinley High School - Athletic Complex improvements

+ $58,000,000 for Farrington High School - Phase 2 of the master plan

+ $700,000 for Lanakila Elementary - Student pick up area & parking lot

+ $15,000,000 for Honolulu Community College - Technology program renovations

+ $100,000,000 for H-1 Freeway widening project near Vineyard blvd

+ $150,000,000 for Honolulu Harbor - Increased capacity and disaster resilience

+ $10,000,000 for Mayor Wrights Housing - Construction of new low income housing

+ $5,000,000 for Sand Island State Park - Renovation and site improvements